The Anatomy of Diamonds: How Cut Shapes Beauty
As a symbol of love and luxury, diamonds have long been admired for their stunning beauty and timeless elegance. While there are many factors that contribute to a diamond's overall appearance and value, the cut of the diamond plays a particularly important role.
The cut of a diamond refers to the way in which the diamond has been shaped and polished, and is made up of several different parts, each of which contributes to the diamond's unique beauty. In this article, we'll explore five of these parts: the table, crown, girdle, pavilion, and culet.
Parts of a Diamond
Table: The table is the large, flat facet on the top of a diamond. It's the largest and most visible facet of the stone, and it plays a significant role in the diamond's overall appearance.
A diamond with a large table will appear more brilliant, as it allows more light to enter and reflect back out. However, a table that is too large can also make a diamond appear less attractive, as it can create a "window" effect in which light passes straight through the diamond rather than being reflected back out.
Crown: The crown is the upper portion of the diamond, located between the table and the girdle. It's made up of several facets, including the upper half facets, star facets, and star facets.
Table and Crown photo from the Gemological Institute of America
The crown's angles and proportions determine the diamond's overall fire and brilliance. A well-cut crown will create a beautiful pattern of light and color within the diamond, enhancing its overall beauty and value.
Girdle: The girdle is the narrow band that runs around the widest part of the diamond, separating the crown from the pavilion. It can be polished, faceted, or rough, and its thickness can affect the diamond's durability and value.
One thing to take into consideration is the girdle’s thickness. A thin girdle can make the diamond more susceptible to chipping or breaking, while a thick girdle can add weight to the stone without increasing its diameter or overall appearance.
The girdle is also where GIA and IGI identification numbers for the gemstone are engraved.
Pavilion: The pavilion is the lower portion of the diamond, located between the girdle and the culet. It's made up of several facets, including the lower girdle facets and the pavilion main facets.

The pavilion is responsible for the diamond's overall depth and brilliance, as it reflects and refracts light to create a sparkling display of color and light. The angles and proportions of the pavilion are carefully calibrated by expert diamond cutters to achieve the most desirable results, and are often influenced by the shape of the diamond itself.
Culet: The culet is the tiny facet at the very bottom of the diamond's pavilion. It's typically only visible under magnification and has a minimal effect on the diamond's overall appearance.
The culet's size can vary, with some diamonds having no culet at all, while others have a small or large culet. The ideal culet size will depend on the diamond's overall cut and proportions, with the goal being to create a diamond that is symmetrical and well-proportioned.
Understanding the different parts of a diamond is essential when shopping for this precious gemstone. The table, crown, girdle, pavilion, and culet all play a crucial role in determining a diamond's overall appearance and value.
Learn more about these intricate facets in your jewelry’s diamonds by booking an appointment to our showroom located in Quezon City, Metro Manila. Contact us through our different social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, or email us here.